recording and rehearsing studio

Sonic Boom Studios


Beat Production

get the sound you want!

Get a modern, catchy and professional hip-hop, pop or electro beat tailored to your needs. Simply enter a reference and be there as your sound is created exactly according to your ideas.

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Film and Audio Books

Film and radio play projects require customised music that optimally supports the mood and character of each production. From atmospheric soundscapes to tense orchestral arrangements – we create the perfect soundtrack for your project.

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Unleash Your Creativity

A good arrangement gives the production depth and emotionality and is decisive for the sound impression, sometimes more decisive than the mix. We help you to optimally enhance your pre-production without losing your core idea. We rely on our experience in instrumentation, the use of effects and dynamics as well as the instrumentation itself.

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true instruments

to acheive a natural sound

Alexander Khromov and his team have years of studio experience and are ready to bring your songs to life with real instruments. The studio offers a wide range of instruments to choose from, including guitars, bass, drums, piano, strings, brass and more. Our musicians are well versed in a variety of genres and will bring your project to life with skill and precision.

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Musik Produktion





finalize your craft

Wir verleihen Deiner Aufnahme den Klang den Du Dir wünscht. Unser Mix – individuell maßgeschneidert nach Deinen Vorstellungen und Wünschen!

Listen to our work on Spotify!


unleash your sonic potential

Der letzte Schliff für deinen Song! Beim letzten Schritt in der Produktionskette kümmern wir uns um das perfekte Klangbild und Format deiner Musik. Egal ob für Streaming, Social Media, Videos oder CDs, Vinyl – wir sorgen dafür, dass dein Sound überall optimal klingt.


Mix / Mastering

Live Sessions

Live Sessions

One Take!

live recording

  • 48qm liveroom
  • 32qm rehearsal room
  • 24 Kanal Audio-Anbindung zur Production Suite
  • Red Komodo 6K Cine Kamera
  • Stativ, Gimbal, Handheldset
  • Filmlicht, Softboxen


Live Sessions



Take your recording to the next level!

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Wir berechnen ab 8 Std einen Tag
Ab 3 Tagen 25% Rabatt

0,00 €

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